• To foster, support and lead the way in developing collaborative, participatory and effective form of professional development within the teacher trainee.
  • To produce quality teachers and their training program which plays an important role in national development. No doubt quality school education is achieved only with quality teachers and the quality teachers are the reformer of a healthy and advanced nation.
  • To cover up all spheres of teacher education program and develop a sense of confidence among the pupil teachers to face the outside world.
  • To impart value based quality education to prepare our pupil teachers for achieving professional excellence.
  • To give the pupil teachers the best exposure and make them successful professionals in the field of teaching profession.
  • To develop a professional mind set comprising a confident self image creativity, innovativeness, leadership and personality.
  • To conduct seminars, conference and symposiums related to issues and challenges in teacher education programme, issues related to curriculum, duration, pedagogy, internship, placements, research and expansion of teacher education program.
  • To achieve the objectives of planned and coordinated development of the teacher education program and enhancing quality improvement in teacher education.